Information for Prospective Dancers, as of 1/29/25
Square dancing is fun! You will meet people who can turn into life-long friends. You may be looking for an activity that you and your spouse can enjoy together. Also, singles and children can enjoy square dancing together in a smoke and alcohol free environment. Square dancing is good physical and mental activity. Increasing memory has recently been linked to reduced risk of Alzheimer’s.
Because Square Dancing is an American folk dance, all calls are in English, no matter where you go. Thus dancers can dance worldwide. Many calls are traditionally gender specific, but that does not mean a lady can't dance the man's part, and vice versa. For example, if there is an imbalance, some people will go thru the entire series of lessons learning the opposite part. It is not necessary to come with a partner; we hope to have enough dancers to fill squares.
What can you expect at lessons? Experienced square dancers (called angels) attend lessons to help fill out squares which are made up of eight dancers. So it is VERY important to let us know if you cannot make a lesson, so we have complete squares, and no one has to sit out. Usually you will review the previous calls and then learn 3-5 new calls at each lesson.
How long does it take? The caller gauges the progress and moves the students along at their learning pace. There are 12 basic call lessons. When the basic calls have been learned, you will be invited to join our dances on most 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month. The remaining calls can be learned after the basics are learned. Spectators are always welcome to come and observe how much fun dancing can be and to meet members of the club.
How much does it cost? Lessons cost $5 a person, per lesson. This is about half the cost of tickets at the movie theater- a real bargain for an activity that has excellent benefits for body and mind!
What do square dancers wear? Guidelines for dress have changed over the years. Men usually wear pants and a long sleeved shirt. Women usually wear skirts, but may wear pants. Some people find traditional square dance dress a big attraction; others do not. It's your choice.
What days will lessons be? Typically, lessons are held 3 to 4 times a month. Lessons are tentatively planned to be on most Saturdays, from 6:00 to 7:30 or 8:00 P.M. On our Club Dance nights, the lesson will end at 7:00, but you will be encouraged to stay for the beginning of the dance, to observe and dance at the level of the class for the first half hour.
We hope you enjoy square dancing and will decide to join us!
New Dancer Coordinators: Jerry Smith 920-287-7104
(answer machine–leave message, no text or email)
Patti VandeHei 920-207-4764 (talk and text)
Deb Klock 920-912-5268 (text)